Hard Work

I was talking to a woman on the phone, complaining about how things weren’t fair, they weren’t right. I told her that I knew of a fellow who scored low on his ACT, didn’t receive higher education, didn’t do much of anything that I could discern, yet he has a high paying job, a car,ContinueContinue reading “Hard Work”

Democratic Socialism: A Few Words

It seems that academics who study the social sciences lean to the left, politically speaking. This I attribute to their having a strong understanding of social phenomena, phenomena effected by government policies. While I’m not an academic with an advanced degree, I do have two undergraduate degrees in the social sciences, which I credit forContinueContinue reading “Democratic Socialism: A Few Words”

Marxism &c.

Karl Marx is said to have stated, “Ce qu’il y a de certain c’est que moi, je ne suis pas Marxiste.” In English, “What is certain is that I myself am not a Marxist.” Without trying to expound in detail what a Marxist is, or what Marxism is, I am here saying that it isContinueContinue reading “Marxism &c.”