Do I Owe You Anything Back?

I went shopping at Price Chopper today. The total came to $35.28. I handed the cashier one 20, three 5s, one quarter, and three pennies. She counted the money three or four times. I asked, “Did I count that right?” She said, “You gave me a 20 and three 5s.” Me: “That’s what I thought.”ContinueContinue reading “Do I Owe You Anything Back?”

Platonic Solids

A Platonic solid is pretty much a shape made of a polygon, like a cube, that has as many sides as each point has a side and that form a solid. There are an infinite number of polygons, and polygons become more and more like circles the more sides they have. That’s why pi isContinueContinue reading “Platonic Solids”

I Would Never Work In A Factory

I heard somebody try to argue that factory jobs are good jobs. They may be good for society, but they are not good for an individual. One thing that she said was that she knows people who have retired from assembly line work at some ridiculously young age. I find this hard to believe; toContinueContinue reading “I Would Never Work In A Factory”

Powerball Psychology

I had never played the Powerball lottery before, but the jackpot was up to $750 million, so I thought it might be worth $3 to play just in case I might actually win. Of course, were I to buy 50 tickets a week, I would be expected to win once in about 30,000 years, soContinueContinue reading “Powerball Psychology”

Mathematics As Handmaiden To Science

My algebra instructor might have been having a bad day when he said to  the class. “Math is black or white; a solution is either right or wrong in math. The other subjects that you study are all about opinions. Heck, you don’t even need to know how to spell anymore, because you have spell-check.”ContinueContinue reading “Mathematics As Handmaiden To Science”