
I used to be fearful of being abducted by aliens. It was a phobia I had, I guess. When in my teens, I was interested in the supernatural, cryptozoology, extraterrestrials, and the like, and I would watch TV shows about aliens and aliens abducting humans. I found the shows fascinating — (I even did myContinueContinue reading “Aliens”

Do Cardio and Open the Windows

It was almost noon. I normally get my Risperdal injection at about 11:30 a.m. every other Tuesday. I called the PACT office. “PACT. This is Danielle.” “Hi, Danielle, when do I — this is Dustin, what time do I get my injection today?” Danielle said she would call Juanita, who would be picking me upContinueContinue reading “Do Cardio and Open the Windows”

Social Security Letter

If I were to receive a letter from Social Security today, I was going to have my psychiatric nurse practitioner or somebody else from the mental health clinic open it for me, because I was anxious as to what it might read. I had recently undergone a medical review to determine if I were stillContinueContinue reading “Social Security Letter”

Doctor Appointment: I’m Fat

I had a physical scheduled with my primary care physician today, June 17. I had had an appointment scheduled with her last October, but she went on vacation and I never got around to rescheduling until her receptionist called me, because I needed to be seen to get my levothyroxine refilled. My case manager calledContinueContinue reading “Doctor Appointment: I’m Fat”

Dreaming of High School

Modern psychologists may say that dreams are essentially meaningless, generated by random firings of neurons in the brain, but I have had a recurring dream for years that, if for nothing more than its persistence as a continual theme in my sleep, has me convinced that it mean something significant about my psyche. The dreamContinueContinue reading “Dreaming of High School”

Panic Attack & Wrestling

When I was about 11, I was hospitalized for what turned out to be a panic attack. I didn’t know that I was just panicking, nor did the doctors, so I stayed in the hospital in Omaha for medical tests to be conducted. All of the tests came back negative for any abnormalities. This wasContinueContinue reading “Panic Attack & Wrestling”

Vocational Specialist

I have met with a vocational specialist twice now. The first time, I filled out some sort of general assessment. This week, I took a sort of interest inventory on the computer. After my results showed up on the screen, I said, “How am I going to get a job, anyway, with my record?” TheContinueContinue reading “Vocational Specialist”

Christmas Chaos

I have my reasons for not liking my older brother’s girlfriend that I won’t go into presently. But she went to Mom’s with us for Christmas this year. She lost her Juul vape pen in Mom’s couch and proceeded to turn the couch this way and that and to reach in there and even suggestedContinueContinue reading “Christmas Chaos”

Foreign Drivers

I got a call from my driver at 7:45 this morning. Whatever he said, he said it in such a thick accent that it might as well have been in his native tongue. I said, “What?” and he repeated what he had said, and I somehow deciphered that he was saying that he would pickContinueContinue reading “Foreign Drivers”

Proud of My Father

My grandmother said that she is proud of all (10) of her children. “Even Dennis?” I asked. Dennis is my father. She said, “Yes, he has worked hard all his life.” I told her, “And it didn’t get him anywhere.” We (that disembodied ‘we’ that is used in reference to a group that holds whatContinueContinue reading “Proud of My Father”