Dreaming of High School

Modern psychologists may say that dreams are essentially meaningless, generated by random firings of neurons in the brain, but I have had a recurring dream for years that, if for nothing more than its persistence as a continual theme in my sleep, has me convinced that it mean something significant about my psyche. The dreamContinueContinue reading “Dreaming of High School”

Dream Log (March 8, 2019)

Starting today, I am going to make daily dream log entries. I had a dream that I was at a WWE show and was peeing at a urinal, and a turd came up through the urinal. Then I moved to the toilet to pee, and somebody else in the restroom followed me into the stallContinueContinue reading “Dream Log (March 8, 2019)”

Stomping Imaginary Rats

One night I got paranoid that people were after me and it’s a long story but I ended up in a fight because of it and that started a lot of legal troubles. Shortly after I got those charges, I was put in a mental hospital. I guess I was confused about whether I wasContinueContinue reading “Stomping Imaginary Rats”

Freudian Parking

A woman parked downtown was putting quarters in the parking meter when I happened to walk by. She dropped a coin. To be nice, I bent over and picked the quarter up for her. “Here you go,” I smiled as I handed it to her. “Thanks,” she said. I noticed that she was quite pretty,ContinueContinue reading “Freudian Parking”

OCD, Pizza Rolls & Cereal

Am I the only one who plays favorites with their food? And on what basis do I play this game of favorites? These are two questions brought to my mind when I was eating today. I am overcoming an irrational fear of my stove. It might be that I am used to using an electricContinueContinue reading “OCD, Pizza Rolls & Cereal”

My Crooked Tooth

I look in the mirror and my tooth bothers me. It’s out of place; my teeth used to be neatly aligned; they were straight up until a few years ago. Then they shifted, mostly the top right lateral incisor. I wonder how bad it really is, because sometimes I look at my reflection and thinkContinueContinue reading “My Crooked Tooth”

Trip to Hospital For Anxiety

I am writing this under the influence of lorazepam, so we might attribute any lack of lucidity to that drug’s actions on my brain; that, anyway, will be my excuse. I started to have an anxiety attack this evening, and knowing that such attacks usually do not end well left unattended, I went to theContinueContinue reading “Trip to Hospital For Anxiety”

Free Will

Theologians and atheists debate over the paradox of free will. On one side, you have people who say that God is omniscient but he gave humans free will; the other side says that free will is an illusion that is incompatible with an omniscient god. The latter contends that everything that happens is determined byContinueContinue reading “Free Will”

My Problems Are Trivial

My problems are trivial. I’m just a man, one of many, and a male of just one species, out of many, that the cold, uncaring universe doesn’t really care about. All human problems are trivial, on the grand scheme of things. The universe is about 13.8 billion years old. For billions of years, up untilContinueContinue reading “My Problems Are Trivial”

New Case Manager

Some people are ridiculously unqualified for their jobs, as is the situation with my new case manager. I had talked with him on the phone yesterday, and I had to hang up on him, because he rambled on and on about his own pathetic life, which is not the sort of thing that I wantContinueContinue reading “New Case Manager”