Giving Candy To My Neighbor

You would think that a Christmas party with a large group of mentally ill people (most of them either bipolar or schizophrenic) would be a lot of fun, but the PACT party was rather lame. For most of the time at the Zag Ga Zig Shriner’s lodge, those of us gathered there sat silently inContinueContinue reading “Giving Candy To My Neighbor”

Dating & Driving

I finally saw a two-week old message in my inbox on a dating app the other day. I opened it up and started a conversation with the user who had sent the message. She didn’t look very attractive in her pictures, but I have aesthetic issues of my own, so I was willing to lookContinueContinue reading “Dating & Driving”

Proud of My Father

My grandmother said that she is proud of all (10) of her children. “Even Dennis?” I asked. Dennis is my father. She said, “Yes, he has worked hard all his life.” I told her, “And it didn’t get him anywhere.” We (that disembodied ‘we’ that is used in reference to a group that holds whatContinueContinue reading “Proud of My Father”

Lost Love

Sometimes his mind, it just won’t change The answers always stay the same Even when the questions have been rearranged Sometimes he wonders why circumstances have to be so cruel Doe she ever wonder what happened to this stubborn fool? Sometimes he feels like he’s drowning in his own pool of able-bodied dreams reduced toContinueContinue reading “Lost Love”

Relationships Wisdom

It would take somebody very special for me to ever fall in love. I see these couples who are crazy about each other, and I think, Really guys? Like, she’s just another person. Sometimes people will say, “Well the sex is good!” I don’t know the difference between good sex and bad sex. It allContinueContinue reading “Relationships Wisdom”

Somebody Told Me

Somebody told me that there is more to life than discovery and accomplishment. I don’t disagree. She said that there are things such as love and relationships with other people that matter as much as or more than achieving goals or learning something new. She may be right. I don’t believe in putting limits onContinueContinue reading “Somebody Told Me”

Nobody Knows

I don’t mean to sound like Kevin Sharp, but there something that nobody knows but me. Nobody knows who I view as the love of my life. Nobody knows the only person I could ever love unconditionally. I have told many women lies, and in a way I was really lying to myself, trying toContinueContinue reading “Nobody Knows”

My Blood Boils

He’s my flesh and blood, they say, but he makes my blood boil! I’m tired of it. I’m tired of his supporters; rather, I am tired of people who support his stupid ideas. He could admit when he’s wrong, and so could they! Fuck him and all of his stupid friends. I’ll find my ownContinueContinue reading “My Blood Boils”

My Friends

I knew I’d be okay when I walked away from those whom I walked away from. I now know that I made the right choice for walking up to those whom I walked up to. As for the ones who have stuck by me, who I was to ever doubt them? Time has shown meContinueContinue reading “My Friends”