Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, & CRPS

Reading The River of Consciousness by Oliver Sacks tonight prompted me to write a few words; see the last section of that book, and you will see what I mean as you read on. I still hear people who believe that vaccines cause autism. Sometimes they will say that there are lot more diagnoses ofContinueContinue reading “Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, & CRPS”

Opposing Viewpoints: Published Research & Scientific Truth

Non-published Doesn’t Mean Non-true By Dennis the Debater Do “alternative medicines” need to be published in order to be true? This [informal] short essay is in response to the debate over preventative health care & alternative medicines vs. conventional medicine, with my brother. There are several factors to consider during when people are having discussionsContinueContinue reading “Opposing Viewpoints: Published Research & Scientific Truth”

Asperger Syndrome: Psychopharmacological Considerations

Abstract There is a paucity of research on the medical treatment of Asperger syndrome (now often referred to as High Functioning Autism).  This paper uses an archival method to examine some of the research that does exist.  The focus is limited to three symptoms associated with Asperger syndrome: irritability/anger, anxiety, and depression.  Research is presentedContinueContinue reading “Asperger Syndrome: Psychopharmacological Considerations”

Marijuana: A Few Thoughts

Nancy Reagan implored us to “just say no” to drugs. A series of advertisements were aired in the 1980s that showed young people being offered drugs. Is that how drug dealers operate? They offer you samples, à la the Charleys employee offering samples of their delicious grilled subs in a ploy to get you toContinueContinue reading “Marijuana: A Few Thoughts”


In college, I had a classmate, who is now Dr. Angie Carter. She has espoused negative views of biotechnology and things of that nature, going on diatribes against Monsanto in particular. She even has come across as very anti-science; it’s odd that she got her PhD in some field of science (sociology, I think), whenContinueContinue reading “Biotechnology”

Nothing Fails Like Prayer!

The title of this piece is a clever saying that I saw on a t-shirt somewhere. I decided to ask the pastor at the church I attend if prayer helps people heal or recover. He replied, “Yes! It’s been proven by studies.” I still had my doubts, so I searched some studies.  Here’s what IContinueContinue reading “Nothing Fails Like Prayer!”

Lenox, Iowa

Several years ago, I wrote the following about my hometown. I re-post it here for your reading pleasure. Community Capitals Of Lenox, Iowa Introduction Lenox, Iowa, population approximately 1400 (American Fact Finder), has been my home all my life. Therefore, Lenox is by default the community which “has had the greatest influence” on my life. Ergo,ContinueContinue reading “Lenox, Iowa”