
I remember taking a freshman literature course in college when a classmate said to me, “You’re the ugliest person I’ve ever seen!” I told her that that would change if she were to look in the mirror; I wouldn’t say she’s the very ugliest person that I’ve ever seen in person, but she probably makesContinueContinue reading “Ugly”

Do Cardio and Open the Windows

It was almost noon. I normally get my Risperdal injection at about 11:30 a.m. every other Tuesday. I called the PACT office. “PACT. This is Danielle.” “Hi, Danielle, when do I — this is Dustin, what time do I get my injection today?” Danielle said she would call Juanita, who would be picking me upContinueContinue reading “Do Cardio and Open the Windows”

Why Do People Have Children?

I often wonder why people have children. I understand it in a sense, that being that humans (and other sexually reproducing organisms) or vehicles for genes to pass themselves on to the next generation, and that we all are descended from parents who have successfully reproduced; so it makes sense that there is a driveContinueContinue reading “Why Do People Have Children?”

100% Pure Whoop Ass

My younger brother once wore to high school a shirt that said “Chubby’s Footlongs” that featured an image of a hot dog. The English teacher reported him to the principal, and he was told to turn the shirt inside out, because it supposedly was vulgar. I thought that was ridiculous, and I berated the teacher,ContinueContinue reading “100% Pure Whoop Ass”

Dating & Driving

I finally saw a two-week old message in my inbox on a dating app the other day. I opened it up and started a conversation with the user who had sent the message. She didn’t look very attractive in her pictures, but I have aesthetic issues of my own, so I was willing to lookContinueContinue reading “Dating & Driving”

Proud of My Father

My grandmother said that she is proud of all (10) of her children. “Even Dennis?” I asked. Dennis is my father. She said, “Yes, he has worked hard all his life.” I told her, “And it didn’t get him anywhere.” We (that disembodied ‘we’ that is used in reference to a group that holds whatContinueContinue reading “Proud of My Father”

Dreams, Marriage, and A Droopy Father

I told a friend that I had a dream about her. I didn’t remember much of the dream, but that we fell in love in the dream. The next day, I told her that I again had a dream with her in it, though I didn’t remember what happened in this dream. She said thatContinueContinue reading “Dreams, Marriage, and A Droopy Father”

The Morality of Homosexuality

Conservative Christians insist that homosexuality is immoral. Their reasoning has something to do with some passages in their precious Bible. Even though early Christians were Jews, and Jesus would have been a Jew himself (if he existed), Christians say that they’re not Jews and don’t have to live by Jewish laws, but they still keepContinueContinue reading “The Morality of Homosexuality”

Family Planning In The Netherlands

My friend Holly posted about The Netherlands having free abortion on demand, and that the abortions are very safe. The national insurance plan pays for the free abortions. Furthermore, Holland “carries out extensive public education on contraception, family planning, and sexuality. . . and the Dutch teenage pregnancy rate six times lower than in theContinueContinue reading “Family Planning In The Netherlands”

Testicular Bill Of Rights

I am very liberal, and because the Democratic party is more liberal than the Republican party, I almost always vote for the Democratic candidates for public office. People get these in-group/out-group biases when it comes to politics, whereby they support anything that Democrat or Republican proposes just because they identify with the same party. ThisContinueContinue reading “Testicular Bill Of Rights”