Freudian Parking

A woman parked downtown was putting quarters in the parking meter when I happened to walk by. She dropped a coin. To be nice, I bent over and picked the quarter up for her. “Here you go,” I smiled as I handed it to her. “Thanks,” she said. I noticed that she was quite pretty,ContinueContinue reading “Freudian Parking”


I have been watching some episodes of TLC’s “I Am Jazz” about a transgender teenager, Jazz Jennings. Jazz is a biological male who goes on a journey to have gender confirmation surgery. I have been watching this show about the same time that transgender people, or those with gender dysphoria, are banned from serving inContinueContinue reading “Transgender”

Genetic Fallacy and Marriage

Despite the view of the universe that Parmenides held, change is possible, and it does happen. The world is in constant flux, and the institution of marriage is no exception. I remember having a Christian as a high school teacher who said to an openly gay student in one of his classes, “God made AdamContinueContinue reading “Genetic Fallacy and Marriage”

Relationships Wisdom

It would take somebody very special for me to ever fall in love. I see these couples who are crazy about each other, and I think, Really guys? Like, she’s just another person. Sometimes people will say, “Well the sex is good!” I don’t know the difference between good sex and bad sex. It allContinueContinue reading “Relationships Wisdom”

The Immorality of Human Reproduction

This goes out to all of you posting pictures of your babies on social media: If you had a moral fiber in your body, you wouldn’t have a baby. My reasoning is twofold. The first is the old anti-natalism of Sophocles, which is akin to the ideas in the book of Ecclesiastes and in Buddhism,ContinueContinue reading “The Immorality of Human Reproduction”

Nobody Knows

I don’t mean to sound like Kevin Sharp, but there something that nobody knows but me. Nobody knows who I view as the love of my life. Nobody knows the only person I could ever love unconditionally. I have told many women lies, and in a way I was really lying to myself, trying toContinueContinue reading “Nobody Knows”

What Is Sex In Today’s World?

I have a question, but not really an answer. I have been reading about cyber crimes, looking through old e-mails, and thinking back on a book, Sexuality and Homosexuality (by Arno Karlen, 1971) that I read several years ago. All of these thoughts have led me to this question: What is sex in today’s world?ContinueContinue reading “What Is Sex In Today’s World?”

Police Sexual Misconduct

Introduction         When studying policing, it may be beneficial to obtain an understanding of problems in the profession.  One of the primary areas of policing problems to be studied is that of police misconduct.  The focus of this paper will narrow police misconduct down to perhaps the most egregious forms of misconduct:  police-perpetrated sexual misconduct.ContinueContinue reading “Police Sexual Misconduct”

Women In Politics

In this entry, I share a few thoughts on women’s roles in politics. They are not entirely cogent, and the following paragraphs form some degree of cohesion. I read a few brief studies, which I summarize here. There is a paucity of research on women in the executive branch.  For one, it’s a branch thatContinueContinue reading “Women In Politics”

On Sex

Introductory Remarks This is merely a collection of thoughts on sex that I have formed and collected over the years. It is compiled here for your reading pleasure. Human Monogamy A friend of mine posed the followig question to me in an instant message, but I wasn’t online at the time, so I will answerContinueContinue reading “On Sex”