Hard Work

I was talking to a woman on the phone, complaining about how things weren’t fair, they weren’t right. I told her that I knew of a fellow who scored low on his ACT, didn’t receive higher education, didn’t do much of anything that I could discern, yet he has a high paying job, a car,ContinueContinue reading “Hard Work”

Social Security Letter

If I were to receive a letter from Social Security today, I was going to have my psychiatric nurse practitioner or somebody else from the mental health clinic open it for me, because I was anxious as to what it might read. I had recently undergone a medical review to determine if I were stillContinueContinue reading “Social Security Letter”

Family Planning In The Netherlands

My friend Holly posted about The Netherlands having free abortion on demand, and that the abortions are very safe. The national insurance plan pays for the free abortions. Furthermore, Holland “carries out extensive public education on contraception, family planning, and sexuality. . . and the Dutch teenage pregnancy rate six times lower than in theContinueContinue reading “Family Planning In The Netherlands”

Trump Is Not A Pragmatist

President Donald J.  Trump is supposed to be — or is supposed by some to be, at least — a pragmatic president. He doesn’t have his head in the clouds of a Platonic heaven, his supporters say. No, Trump is about practical solutions to problems confronting America. His pragmatism can be seen, they say, inContinueContinue reading “Trump Is Not A Pragmatist”

Ideology & Knowledge

There was an image on social media that I saw. It said that millennials, if they were thinking that socialism or Islam should be  the basis of our political system (how many millennials  really want a Sharia state?), that we should remember the numbers of deaths attributable to those ideologies. They said that there wereContinueContinue reading “Ideology & Knowledge”

Democratic Socialism: A Few Words

It seems that academics who study the social sciences lean to the left, politically speaking. This I attribute to their having a strong understanding of social phenomena, phenomena effected by government policies. While I’m not an academic with an advanced degree, I do have two undergraduate degrees in the social sciences, which I credit forContinueContinue reading “Democratic Socialism: A Few Words”

Free Stuff To People

Some would say that we shouldn’t give free stuff to people. Some would say that the wealthy shouldn’t give a large portion of their riches to the poor, because that would cause a disincentive to the poor to try to become more wealthy. I cry malarkey! The wealthy aren’t wealthy because they are inherently betterContinueContinue reading “Free Stuff To People”

Democrat Socialism: A Few Words In Its Defense

It seems that academics who study the social sciences lean to the left, politically speaking. This I attribute to their having a strong understanding of social phenomena, phenomena effected by government policies. While I’m not an academic with an advanced degree, I do have two undergraduate degrees in the social sciences, which I credit forContinueContinue reading “Democrat Socialism: A Few Words In Its Defense”

The French Icarians

As I prepare to bid adieu to this sorry excuse for a town, I offer you a bit of trivia, or history, related to Corning, Iowa. Here are a few words on the French Icarians. When you think of southern Iowa, what words come to mind? Corn? Beans? Tractors? Rural? Plain? German? Quaint? Desolate? WhatContinueContinue reading “The French Icarians”