Objective Morality

William Lane Craig is fond of saying, “If there is no God, then objective right and wrong cannot exist.” And that, this “divine command theory”, is supposed to answer the alleged shortcomings of atheism; atheism, the divine command theorists would have it, cannot be the right view of whether or not there’s a God, becauseContinueContinue reading “Objective Morality”

Reason & Emotions: Trump’s America

The ancient Greeks gave us some good ideas, two among them being the concepts of politics and ethics. With the idea of politics comes the idea that humans can look at the possible ways of living together and choose that which is best. With ethics, we examine what makes up a good life and howContinueContinue reading “Reason & Emotions: Trump’s America”

No Room For Jesus in My Inn!

BBH posted this image on Facebook: Dustin Hartley :Sorry, no vacancies here. BBH: Dustin Hartley, he still loves you DH: Are we talking about the same guy? The one who was a human sacrifice 2,000 or so years ago in a deal that I had no part in, and that I want no part of? BBH: HE still lovesContinueContinue reading “No Room For Jesus in My Inn!”

An Overview of Aristotle’s Universe

Let us pose a question, that question being this: From Thales to Aristotle, did concepts of matter’s reality and of its composition change, or did those concepts remain the same?  The method I will employ in answering this question will be to relate the ideas of matter’s reality and composition from the thinkers before AristotleContinueContinue reading “An Overview of Aristotle’s Universe”

Individuals In Relation To Society

If you had to name the seminal figure in Western philosophy, it would probably be Socrates. Alfred North Whitehead said of Socrates’ student Plato, “All of philosophy is a footnote to Plato.” From Plato, and a few other sources such as Aristophanes, we get the impression that Socrates, though he disagreed with Hellenistic democracy, feltContinueContinue reading “Individuals In Relation To Society”