
For as long as people have had the cognizance to ask anything, they have asked themselves and each other, “What’s the meaning of life?” If we’re here, we had ought to have some purpose. We should have a telos. People are always looking for meaning in things, so it makes sense that they would alsoContinueContinue reading “Essentialism”

Where My Faith Lies

Some of my feelings – those of loneliness, guilt, of having sinned (to put it one way),  may have led another person to more theistic thoughts and feelings. Indeed, even I ventured that trail, though for me it was a dead end. One line in there that I suspect will ring most true for mostContinueContinue reading “Where My Faith Lies”

Immortal Souls?

I have friends who believe in immortal souls, the supernatural,  first Adam, and the like. these friends, it would seem, cannot be inconvenienced by scientific or philosophical developments. Many good reasons could be espoused for the initial development of supernatural or religious beliefs, but what now? It’s as though Mersenne had not taken the soul outContinueContinue reading “Immortal Souls?”