
For as long as people have had the cognizance to ask anything, they have asked themselves and each other, “What’s the meaning of life?” If we’re here, we had ought to have some purpose. We should have a telos. People are always looking for meaning in things, so it makes sense that they would alsoContinueContinue reading “Essentialism”

Where My Faith Lies

Some of my feelings – those of loneliness, guilt, of having sinned (to put it one way),  may have led another person to more theistic thoughts and feelings. Indeed, even I ventured that trail, though for me it was a dead end. One line in there that I suspect will ring most true for mostContinueContinue reading “Where My Faith Lies”

My Friends

I knew I’d be okay when I walked away from those whom I walked away from. I now know that I made the right choice for walking up to those whom I walked up to. As for the ones who have stuck by me, who I was to ever doubt them? Time has shown meContinueContinue reading “My Friends”

Nothing Fails Like Prayer!

The title of this piece is a clever saying that I saw on a t-shirt somewhere. I decided to ask the pastor at the church I attend if prayer helps people heal or recover. He replied, “Yes! It’s been proven by studies.” I still had my doubts, so I searched some studies.  Here’s what IContinueContinue reading “Nothing Fails Like Prayer!”