Powerball Psychology

I had never played the Powerball lottery before, but the jackpot was up to $750 million, so I thought it might be worth $3 to play just in case I might actually win. Of course, were I to buy 50 tickets a week, I would be expected to win once in about 30,000 years, soContinueContinue reading “Powerball Psychology”

Drunk Driving

A friend made a social a media post that was critical of alcohol laws, to which I replied: “As they relate to civil rights, I don’t think it’s so much that people don’t like cigarettes, alcohol, or guns. It’s more that people don’t like inhaling secondhand smoke, being assaulted by alcoholics or being injured inContinueContinue reading “Drunk Driving”

Nothing Fails Like Prayer!

The title of this piece is a clever saying that I saw on a t-shirt somewhere. I decided to ask the pastor at the church I attend if prayer helps people heal or recover. He replied, “Yes! It’s been proven by studies.” I still had my doubts, so I searched some studies.  Here’s what IContinueContinue reading “Nothing Fails Like Prayer!”