It’s A Wonderful Life: Revisited

In “It’s A Wonderful Life”, personal crises drive George Bailey to suicide.  Before he takes his own life, however, his guardian angel shows him what it would be like had he not been born at all.  George laments that everyone would have been better off had he not been born in the first place, andContinueContinue reading “It’s A Wonderful Life: Revisited”

Just a Few Thoughts

I was watching TV when an advertisement for Audible came on. The commercial claimed that successful people read more and that listening is the new reading. No, listening is still just listening, even if you call it an “audio book.” It’s not really a book. A book is written with ink on paper. I don’tContinueContinue reading “Just a Few Thoughts”

An Overview of Aristotle’s Universe

Let us pose a question, that question being this: From Thales to Aristotle, did concepts of matter’s reality and of its composition change, or did those concepts remain the same?  The method I will employ in answering this question will be to relate the ideas of matter’s reality and composition from the thinkers before AristotleContinueContinue reading “An Overview of Aristotle’s Universe”