Banned from University of Iowa Over Drug Joke!

About a month ago, I was banned from the University Of Iowa because of a joke that I made about drugs. Here is what happened. I was waiting for a class that I had arrived early for, and I was nervous, so I made a joke to a classmate. I said, “I’m anxious. Do youContinueContinue reading “Banned from University of Iowa Over Drug Joke!”

College Football

My cousin Kathryn is a big fan of the University of Michigan’s football club. Michigan has a 107,000-seat stadium,. It cost $258 million to renovate that stadium. That’s a lot of money that could have gone towards something a little more educational than a football stadium. While the football club likely has revenues in excess ofContinueContinue reading “College Football”

I Ordered A Textbook Today

In a little over a month, I will make my triumphant return to the classroom. Granted, I did start taking some classes over a year ago through an online college, and I got to my final semester in a degree program there when I quit. Perhaps I should have finished, but I didn’t like theContinueContinue reading “I Ordered A Textbook Today”

Rural Sociology, Sep2017, Vol. 82 Issue 3, p499-523

Angie Carter’s article in the September 2017 issue of Rural Sociology has a copyright notice on it, so I suppose I won’t republish it here (not that I really care if I get sued, but I’ll be nice enough). I invite you, my dear readers, to read it for yourselves. But I warn you thatContinueContinue reading “Rural Sociology, Sep2017, Vol. 82 Issue 3, p499-523”

Degrees Fantasy

I sometimes forget that I have obtained some wonderful volumes over the years. While if prompted I can probably recall most of the books that I have bought, it’s not possible to always be conscious of all my bound books. I spent the night out of town last night, and I had none of myContinueContinue reading “Degrees Fantasy”

God In The Classroom

There are those who are so astonished by the fact that we are lucky enough to live on a planet that is just the right temperature, with a single sun that rises and sets, and that we live on a planet with tides that rise and fall, and the seasons come and go only toContinueContinue reading “God In The Classroom”

A Good Day For Books

Yesterday was a good day for books. I received my Business Law book and some sociology books. The law book was for an online course I’m taking; I read through chapter 4, took a multiple choice exam, and answered not a single question incorrectly! But that was all very basic. The sociology textbooks are fromContinueContinue reading “A Good Day For Books”