Hard Work

I was talking to a woman on the phone, complaining about how things weren’t fair, they weren’t right. I told her that I knew of a fellow who scored low on his ACT, didn’t receive higher education, didn’t do much of anything that I could discern, yet he has a high paying job, a car,ContinueContinue reading “Hard Work”

We Had Ought To Do Better

When I think of Dr. Angie L. Carter, I think that we can do better. I think that we had ought to do better. Ought, it just so happens, is one of my favorite English words; not that I use it the most often, rather I think that it is the most humanistic of allContinueContinue reading “We Had Ought To Do Better”

The French Icarians

As I prepare to bid adieu to this sorry excuse for a town, I offer you a bit of trivia, or history, related to Corning, Iowa. Here are a few words on the French Icarians. When you think of southern Iowa, what words come to mind? Corn? Beans? Tractors? Rural? Plain? German? Quaint? Desolate? WhatContinueContinue reading “The French Icarians”