Proud of My Father

My grandmother said that she is proud of all (10) of her children. “Even Dennis?” I asked. Dennis is my father. She said, “Yes, he has worked hard all his life.” I told her, “And it didn’t get him anywhere.” We (that disembodied ‘we’ that is used in reference to a group that holds whatContinueContinue reading “Proud of My Father”

Free Stuff To People

Some would say that we shouldn’t give free stuff to people. Some would say that the wealthy shouldn’t give a large portion of their riches to the poor, because that would cause a disincentive to the poor to try to become more wealthy. I cry malarkey! The wealthy aren’t wealthy because they are inherently betterContinueContinue reading “Free Stuff To People”

Society Blathering

Our society doesn’t have to be the way it is. Different civilizations in different ages and places have done things much differently than we do here and now. And those aren’t the limits or parameters to how things can be done in a society. There are ways of living, customs, wealth distribution, &c. that areContinueContinue reading “Society Blathering”

Some Quotes On Privileged Classes

“People with advantages are loath to believe that they just happen to be people with advantages.” – C. Wright Mills “There isn’t any more important way that society is judged than how we care for our most vulnerable: our children, our elderly, and people who are otherwise left on the margin of society.” – HillaryContinueContinue reading “Some Quotes On Privileged Classes”