
“So do you have toilet paper?” Zack asked me as he drove me home from having taken me to get my Risperdal injection. I answered in the affirmative, explaining that I had bought a 12-pack shortly before the coronavirus TP panic. Zack wondered aloud if everybody would be hoarding nasal spray had it been aContinueContinue reading “Coronavirus”

My Golden Rule

We have a thing called the Golden Rule that says something like, “Treat others as you’d like to be treated,” or “Do not treat others as you would not like to be treated.” It might be that this rule exists just in case you might find yourself going from being in a position of powerContinueContinue reading “My Golden Rule”

Democratic Socialism: A Few Words

It seems that academics who study the social sciences lean to the left, politically speaking. This I attribute to their having a strong understanding of social phenomena, phenomena effected by government policies. While I’m not an academic with an advanced degree, I do have two undergraduate degrees in the social sciences, which I credit forContinueContinue reading “Democratic Socialism: A Few Words”

Neighbor Claims Flat Earth, Part 2

A little while ago, I wrote about a neighbor of mine who is certain that planet Earth is flat. In that article, I forgot to mention that he added, almost as an afterthought, that Neil deGrasse Tyson claims that Earth is pear-shaped. I found this to be an odd statement, and I treated it withContinueContinue reading “Neighbor Claims Flat Earth, Part 2”

Alternative Fuels

Introduction Grandpa was driving down the road, with me as a passenger. He looked to the right at the gas prices on the convenience store sign. “The gas prices are too high!” My opinion differed. “I disagree, Grandpa. I hope that the gas prices get so high that market forces drive gas prices so highContinueContinue reading “Alternative Fuels”

The Night Sky

Nonetheless, we are obliged to reside in such an improbable universe, because we could exist in no other. – John Barrow, The Origin of the Universe I am a night owl who often goes for walks or jogs at night. The town that I live in is very small, and not all the streets are well-lit.ContinueContinue reading “The Night Sky”