Wrestling Video Games

I keep seeing WWE Champions advertised on my Facebook. It’s been showing up on there for many months, but I haven’t downloaded it for my tablet yet. But I do want to escape into video games again. Back in 2009, I picked up a WWE video game for that had been released in 2005 forContinueContinue reading “Wrestling Video Games”

Pro Wrestlers in MMA

CM Punk, former WWE superstar, signed a contract to fight for the UFC in 2014. He’s said that he has to let himself try, even if he fails–or as he put, “There’s a high probability that I will fall on my face.” That’s guts, but cui bono? Here’s my take on CM Punk to theContinueContinue reading “Pro Wrestlers in MMA”

Civilized Wrestling Fans

“It’s a good thing that all of those people are well behaved. They could easily get out of control and take the venue over.” My brother made a good point. We were watching the WWE Royal Rumble 2019. The event was held in a baseball stadium, Chase Field, with over 48,000 fans in attendance. It’sContinueContinue reading “Civilized Wrestling Fans”

Jesse Ventura On Marijuana

When I was a child in 1998 and Jesse Ventura became governor of Minnesota, I thought that it was cool, because I was a big fan of professional wrestling, and Jesse “The Body” Ventura was the guy on color commentary (usually with Gorilla Monsoon, or Chico Monsoon, as Ventura called him) in some of myContinueContinue reading “Jesse Ventura On Marijuana”